Tag: Nayeli

Cantab Recap For Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

Michael: We had another great night this past Wednesday at the Cantab! The open mic featured the returns of old regulars Dank The Poet, Kelsey Kessler, and Ilse (“It’s my 13th time on the mic!”), along with new regulars Phoebe, Abe, and Cam S. Special shoutout to veteran Cantabber Meaghan Ford, who returned with an …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Hi Cantab! Now that Team Selection is over, the hype, sold out nights, and crazy energy has finally come to an en- oh… wait… I’m being told by my producers that last Wednesday was in fact just as hype, sold out, and crazy energy as last month!

One of the most notable aspects of the …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Michael: Hey poetry fans! Have you recovered yet from our biggest Wednesday show of the past two years? Last week’s open mic had the return of old friends Gemma Cooper-Novack and Raechel Segal, a “secret agent trans” group piece from Meaghan Ford, Otto Vock, and Alex Kist, as well as great work from first-timers Ronnie …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Amy: What a week Cantab! I’ll just get straight into it. The open mic was full, sold out, and electric with excitement! The night started off with Cameron performing two pieces, one of which being a completely memorized reciting of “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, which turned into an unintentional group piece, with several audience members …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

Hey Cantab!

I hope we are all feeling well-rested after daylight savings shot us an hour into the future! This past Wednesday our open mic was filled with high-energy and meaningful work. Kaitie D. packed their poem with fierce imagery and dissonant dissociation. Liz, all the way from New Zealand, gave an astonishing poem on …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

Amy: Hi Cantab! I hope you all had a lovely week (and long weekend) – we sure did! Love was in the air during our special Valentine’s Day show. The mic list was full (like our hearts) and the Odeo – the Ode Rodeo – shot an arrow of incredible poetry through the audience. On …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Another week, another wonderful Wednesday, Cantabbers! What a stunning show we had last week, so superb that I would categorize it as an official “Oops! All Bangers” night. We had Raechel Segal back after a short hiatus, grabbing the mic from the stand and making us laugh as usual. We had Otto Vock and Kaitie …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, July 5th, 2023

Hello, poetry friends! After a long holiday weekend, we had a somewhat small but very very mighty open mic. We continued the trend of stellar first timers, some of whom blessing us with their first on-stage readings ever! First timers included Julie, who just moved to Boston a month ago, Genie, who told of how …

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Northbeast 2023 Recap!

Hi there poets! Below is a rare weekend recap for you all. But not just any weekend, no, this was an extravagant, artistic, joyous occasion: the 2023 NorthBeast Regional Slam! Saturday began with excitement, coffee runs, and rehearsing as poets from slam teams all over the Northeast filed in to the Cambridge Foundry. We had …

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Cantab Recap For Wednesday, May 31th, 2023

Happy Cantab Wednesday once again! Last week was once again a spectacular, high-energy night, with the fullest of full open mic and the fullest of full hearts. The energy in the basement was already high after a fantastic workshop from the great Alex Kist that challenged the way we think about vocabulary. During our open …

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