What an exceptional open mic this week, folks: really thoughtful work, a great range of emotion and entertainment, and a deep thread of generosity of spirit running through the night… Oh, wait, was it RebeccaLynn’s feature night? Well, that all makes perfect sense. RebeccaLynn took the stage in a whirlwind of one-to-two-minute poems, leaving us …
Tag: Sara Mae
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, November 22, 2017
It’s a five Wednesday month this November, Cantabbers, and you know what that means: not cold nor wind nor the worst traffic of the year can stop us from hunkering down for a bonus night with our weekly chosen family. This week’s feature came from John Pinkham, much-loved bartender, slammer, and golden-hearted local. John brought …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Success! This week, we enjoyed a fabulous All Hallows/Saints’/Souls’ slam, courtesy of director and host Cassandra de Alba. Seven pairs of poets slammed off for the dubious honor of a mysteeeeeeeeeeeeerious discount pharmacy prize, plus eternal (for real this time) glory. We are pleased to offer congratulations to the Died Young team, who, clocking in …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Cantabbers! Buckets and stacks and lumberjack-sized hugs of gratitude are due to all of you who payed our outrageous $5 cover charge last night to enjoy a wonderful and thoughtful open mic, a sweet and toweringly-ready-for-the-big-time spotlight from Sara Mae, and, stretching his many short poems to comfortably fill an hour of work: the unparalleled …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Welcome to autumn in New England, poets! You know the drill: it’s wistful and heartbreaking, chill and heated by turns, and full of flaming bright surprises; oh, hang on, that sounds an awful lot like this past week’s excellent feature by Sam Rush. And, dontcha know it, just like autumn, Sam will be gracefully exiting …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, May 24, 2017
What a night, folks: eight poets entered the epic four-round World Qualifier this week, but only one could leave as the World Qualifier Champ and the Boston Poetry Slam’s sole representative to the 2017 Individual World Poetry Slam in Spokane, Washington this October. It was an awesome night, full of strong performances all around and …
Boston Poetry Slam Online