Tag: Zeke Russell

Cantab Recap for Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fun statistical fact, Cantab web friends: pageviews on our last Wednesday’s show, the Team Slam Preliminaries, surpassed stats for anything we posted in all of 2013! Okay, maybe our 21 competitors were just reloading the page twenty-five times that day to see if the field had gotten easier, but if you were at the slam, …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, October 2

Consider us flattered: Ed Mabrey spent his last night as the 2012 Individual World Poetry Slam Champion with us here at the Cantab! Ed took us on a sometimes-musical journey full of grand plans, advice of all kinds, and sweet, sweet awkwardness, then got a refreshing three hours of sleep before boarding his plane to …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, May 15

We had a packed house last night for a really solid open mic, featuring poets new and old and including a special spotlight from London birthday girl Rachel Rose Reid. Then we had a sweet feature from April Penn! Our beloved every-week open mic standout brought us a solid selection of some lesser-heard, longer work, …

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Announcing the World’s First Serial Sporting Slamcast!

It’s an idea whose time has come, folks: a sports-style accounting of the ins, outs, and overtimes of poetry slam strategy. Boston Poetry Slam host Kevin Spak, along with Mill City SlamMaster Zeke Russell, bring you the on- and off-stage stories of all the biggest slams in town in the inaugural episode of SlamCenter.

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Cantab Feature for Wednesday, Feburary 13: Erotic Poetry Night PLUS Love vs. Death Slam

Boston Poetry Slam

Open mic poets get down and dirty with the Boston Poetry Slam’s awkwardest poetry date night of the year: Erotic Poetry Night! Our feature for the night will be a Love vs. Death poetry slam, produced by BPS favorite Kevin Spak.

Cantab Recap for Wednesday, January 30

It was another packed house downstairs for Miles Walser, CUPSI- and Write-Bloody-poet extraordinare. Miles brought a set that showed off his great range, from powerful slam voice to nuanced short work. His book is forthcoming in April, so keep an eye on the website for details! Our slam was packed as well and super-fun, with …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, January 9

Boston Poetry Slam fans! If you weren’t at the Team Selection Preliminaries back on January 9, you might have missed some results. Likewise, if you were there, you might be wanting the updated information. Lo, for you, we come through with both! After two rounds of 21 poets (yowza!), here are the rankings from the …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, October 31

Happy Halloween, everyone! Big thanks to all who came out to celebrate with us this year at the Dead Poets’ Slam. Our open mic was full of a great mix of live poets doing their own work, live poets doing dead poets’ work, and live poets covering each other. Neat! We enjoyed a few costumes …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, October 24

If you were at home last Wednesday night, but suddenly were awash in a feeling that you were missing something wonderful… Let’s just say you should have been at the Cantab. Gypsee Yo gave a wonderful feature, showing off why she’s reached the top level of slam competition as well as recognition in the overall …

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Cantab Recap for Wednesday, August 22

The weather may be cooling off a bit, but the Cantab is definitely heating up for the end of the summer: Chicago-gone-Cornell editor Stevie Edwards drew a packed house last night, reading from her Write Bloody book Good Grief. She took us on a sweet, sad, and sometimes whiskey-soaked journey to come out with just …

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