Join Scott Beal, the night’s scheduled feature, for an early-bird workshop at the Cantab Lounge before the show. Scott will welcome all comers to his one-hour workshop: The Terrible Discovery and the Mechanics of Time. From the workshop leader:
“The best poems don’t merely describe or explain their subject to an audience; they build a unique experience for the audience to feel and move around in. In this workshop we’ll experiment with manipulating time – slowing down, speeding up, controlling the rate at which information is withheld and disclosed – in order to recreate the experience of a terrible discovery for maximum impact. Our process will include some guided brainstorming as well as examination of poems by Frank O’Hara, Kathryn Starbuck, and Amy Gerstler before bringing to life our own brilliant and heartbreaking discoveries.”
Doors for the show open at 5:30, and the workshop runs from 6:00 to 7:00. Cover charge is $5, which includes admission to the evening show. The venue is 18+ (ID required).
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