Cantab Recap For Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Happy New Year, Cantabbers! We rang in the new year last week with our first-ever New Year’s Day GALA! Thanks to our partners at Trident Booksellers, we were able to put on a fabulous event, where guests could participate in a great book-bundle raffle; make broadsides, mingle, and of course, hear some poetry!!

Our open mic wasn’t just an open mic, it doubled as an awards show! Every single poet on the open mic received an award that was suggested to us by the audience themselves. The hosts assigned these awards to open mic-ers right before the show and presented them as the poet was called up. Here are some of the awards:

  • Sue Savoy received the Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Eli Kane received the “gives the vibe of the Cantab awning” award
  • Rein Carnation received the “Elusive Mysterious Demure” award
  • Logan Lopez received the “In the Right Building” award
  • Kaitie D received the “Wordiest Wordster to Ever Word” award
  • Juliet received the “Cuntiest Outfit” award
  • Shawn received the “Community Spirit” award
  • Cameron received the “Diabolical Doppelgängers” award
  • Lindsay Michelle received the “likely owns the most candles” award (she does not own any candles, turns out)
  • Mary received the “Most Mindfucks” award
  • Jennifer Martinez received the “Daaaamnnnn” award
  • Abbie Langmead received the “Crossed the Most Ponds” award
  • Will L received the “Best Silent Motherfucker” award (Will is not silent, it’s a reference to a slam poem exit strategy in which you say “motherfucker” in your head at the end of the poem)
  • Edie received the “MFG Award for Most Measured Chicken”
  • Zoey C and Hunter both received the “Newguard” award
  • Naomi received the “Fit matches the Vibe of the Poem” award
  • Sarah King received the “EEEEE!” award

As for the poems themselves? Jenn performed an absolutely show-stopping, too-stunned-to-clap piece. Mary brought people to tears. So did Logan. Edie and Cameron brought tender and heartfelt poems. New regulars Hunter and Bailey brought unique new voices. First timer Naomi (winner of outfit matches the vibe of the poem… before knowing what the poem was) KILLED their debut. Cameron gave a shoutout to the on-screen fireplace video in the background for its cozy ambiance. Did I mention most of the audience dressed up for the night, and looked fantastic? Overall, it was a lovely celebration of how much we’ve grown in 2024, and excitement for what’s to come in 2025.

THIS WEEK! We have an open slam. Specifically, the penultimate chance to qualify to try out for the 2025 Boston Poetry Slam Team! The top two placements in the slam are qualified for our upcoming team selection slams. Standard rules apply: eight poets compete in three rounds with poems that are three minutes or less. No props, costumes, or musical accompaniment. Poems are scored by random members of the audience! Come compete among the best in the region this Wednesday.

– Amy ✈️

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