Tag: writing prompt

Tips from the Bar: Aw, Shark Week!

Tips from the Bar

Create an obscenity based on something you love, but hate that you love.

Tip From the Bar: John Cusack, Get Off My Lawn

Tips from the Bar

Take on an event from pop culture, or in your own life, in the voice of an unusual perspective. (Adam’s example: the boom box from Say Anything.)

Tips from the Bar: Adam in the Cluuuuuub

Tips from the Bar

Find a story about your favorite celebrity or fictional character acting out of character: a sincere celebrity being funny, or Eeyore dancing the Macarena, etc. Explain why it happened. Your explanation does not have to be real, only as true as you can make it.

Tips from the Bar: Rejected!

Tips from the Bar

Write a rejection letter for a condition or event that you politely decline to acknowledge as acceptable in your life.

Tips from the Bar: Absent Adam Part One

Tips from the Bar

Bartender Adam Stone may be on vacation, but he’s still working on prompts so you can work on poems:

Use a scientific fact that can be broadly explained in one sentences as the basis for a three minute folktale.

Tips from the Bar: Best Served Cold in a Tiny Dish

Writing prompt from Adam Stone for December 20, 2017.

The petty revenge prompt: write a very specific non-violent revenge fantasy that you are unlikely to actually follow through on.

Tips from the Bar: the RebeccaLynn Prompt

Tips from the Bar

Write a poem about an intense emotion that you have felt/are feeling. Craft it carefully. Begin the poem knowing that you will stop writing when you are only 2/3 of the way down the page, or a minute or less in.

Tips from the Bar:

Tips from the Bar

Imagine you are gloriously happy in the future.

Write a poem to invent a way to time travel to your expected existence.

Tips from the Bar: Secret Squirrel

Tips from the Bar

Did you ever dream of having a pet your parents wouldn’t allow? Did you actually try it (or know someone who did)? Start your poem with the story of your secret animal friend.

Tips from the Bar: That’s Not My Department Prompt

Tips from the Bar

Consider a part of your job you dislike, or like the least. Transform it in a poem to reclaim it as a part of your job you love.