Happy Even More National Poetry Month, Cantabbers! Last night we enjoyed far-flung traveler Karen Finneyfrock, a longtime legend from the Seattle slam who also shared a good helping of her young adult fiction with us. Missed your chance to get her books? You probably aren’t alone, since she sold out of everything she brought! You can of course order from her publisher online, so we’ll give you a quick link to just one… Here’s the amazing anthology she edited and appeared in, called Courage: Daring Poems for Gutsy Girls on WriteBloody Publishing.
After the feature, of course, we slam! This week’s speed slam featured four hard-core spring slammers, who were speedily (ha) narrowed down to the recently eliminated finalists Nora Meiners and Ed Wilkinson. In a tight match, Nora took the win in the one-minute round: you can catch Nora again at the Grudge Match on Sunday, April 19 at OBERON, where she’ll be repping the House Slam.
Next week: we’re back with our regularly-scheduled open mic, featured poet, and speed slam. Next week’s headliner will be the incomparable Danez Smith: you’ll want to be here early to get in before it’s sold out.
Boston Poetry Slam Online