Welcome back, Cantabbers! And welcome back to our team, who returned home gloriously intact from the National Poetry Slam to take up their poems in the open mic and slam once again. The team placed a respectable 24th out of 72… And had the opportunity to support, in-person, NPS Finalist Melissa Newman-Evans (competing for Denver …
Tag: 2015 slam team
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, August 12, 2015
What’s better: assuming that the Cantab-powers-that-be totally knew it was World Elephant Day upon booking Jess Rizkallah’s feature? Or imagining that it was just the wildest, sweetest, luckiest, most synchronicity-stuffed feature selection in the calendar? Holy ker-wow, the brilliant and vulnerable and ass-kicking and, yes, elephant-invoking Jess Riz brought the house down at the Cantab …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, August 5, 2015
You wanted hit slam favorites? You wanted new surprises? You wanted a surreal group piece, heartstring twang after heartstring twang, and a surprise cover to finish the night? You got it, Cantab! Our team brought the fire and the craft to their one-hour set last Wednesday, and we are so proud to have them representing …
Cantab Recap for Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Sure, sure, it’s blisteringly hot, swelteringly humid, and super-obviously only just past the midway point of the calendar… Still, it seems constantly surprising that July even exists and is happening to us right here. This past Wednesday, five teams prepping for the National Poetry Slam in August (so! soon!) got down on our dirty basement …
Boston Poetry Slam Online