Tag: writing prompt

Tips from the Bar: I Was Promised Flying Cars

Tips from the Bar

Produce your poem using a timeline based on an object or trend that is as old as (or older than) you are.

Tips from the Bar: The TLC Prompt

Tips from the Bar

Write a to do list of what not to do.

Tips from the Bar: The Tick Prompt

Tips from the Bar

Write a poem where you serve justice– at room temperature.

Tips from the Bar: The Lisa Slater Prompt

Tips from the Bar

Based on Lisa’s instructional poem, “How to Have a Nervous Breakdown,” begin to write your own instructions… Adding a location or condition under which your breakdown occurs. The more specific, the better!

Tips from the Bar: The 90s Are Back

Tips from the Bar

Tell us about your third eye’s contact lens.

Tips from the Bar: Ghost Title

Tips from the Bar

How do you haunt a ghost?

Tips from the Bar: Where Are They Now?

Tips from the Bar

Consider what cereal mascots do after retirement.

Tips from the Bar: The E.B. White Prompt

Tell a joke. Now over-explain it.

Tips from the Bar: Flying in Your Underwear Over a Graveyard with Your Stepmom

Tips from the Bar

Write a (completely inaccurate) symbol guide to your dreams.

Tips from the Bar: Why Adam Doesn’t Drive the Company Car

Tips from the Bar

What is something you have stolen from work that will not get you fired?