Cantabbers! Our starriest of love to you for packing the house last night for our final show of 2018. (Our next show is January 2 and we hope you are hyped.) The theme was ASTROLOGY and both our open mic and 4×4 team slam really came through with on-theme work devised to surprise and delight and educate and welcome all in the room. The featured event, of course, was the Astrology Team Slam, wherein teams from Earth, Air, Fire, and Water faced off in the ultimate battle for astrological poetic supremacy! The fight was fierce (okay and really loving), but the ultimate winners of the show stole our hearts and also nearly all of the points: congratulations to Aquarius Zeke Russell, Libra Justice Ameer, Libra Ilyus Evander, and Gemini-cusp Truj.
Big thanks to those who made this night possible: especially HYOOG gratitude to Myles Taylor, who both recruited the night’s slam rosters and hosted the event beautifully; special mention to Ilyus Evander for her pre-show workshop; and a hat tip to doortender Michael F. Gill who provided the inspiration for this excellent night.
As we may have mentioned previously, there is NO SHOW ON DECEMBER 26; the Cantab, however, will be open for business if you’d like to pay cash for drinks and enjoy the blues jam. We’ll make up for our little break when we return on January 2: fortune will favor us with quadruple-Libra and soon-to-be-southbound poet Ilyus Evander for our feature to kick off 2019. See you there!
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