Oh, we have gone some years without seeing Jeanann Verlee at the Cantab Lounge, and what a joy it was to remedy that this past week. Jeanann brought us the most sacred of narratives, conflating the concepts of confession and craft in a seamless and spare feature set. And, yes, she is a good-sport New Yorker who headed home thereafter to release her new book, but if you missed your pre-release chance, you can grab it straight from Black Lawrence Press today.
This Wednesday: it’s the first theme slam in our new series! Come see eight poets get down with a sestina, a sonnet, and an ode in our head-to-head SSO What Slam! The roster for the competition is full up, but we’re still taking advance sign-ups for judges (no poetic experience required, or even desired): please see the full event for all the info.
Boston Poetry Slam Online