Snow? WHAT SNOW. Yes, we did hear that it is only scheduled to snow on Wednesdays from now until the end of the season, but weather, like metaphor, is fleeting, and our jones for poetry is eternal. So: our expectations were met perfectly last week when an ideal crowd of writers arrived early for C. Bain’s generative myth-and-truth workshop, and then the room filled in with a pleasant hum of wintertime excitement for the open mic and C’s feature. Our speed slam to close the night was a solidly awesome six-poet affair: let us offer congratulations to AJ Howell, taking second place in a first showing at the Cantab, and also to Lip McDonald, who took the top spot and the big $10.
Love the chance to workshop at the Cantab? We’ll be making a goal to offer these about once per month, on a slightly irregular basis, so please keep an eye on our schedule to see more pop up. Love C’s feature? You can check out more of his work on his personal website. Love to see some poetry slam? Well…
Next week: IT’S THE REAL DEAL, FOLKS! This is not a drill! On Wednesday, March 21, we’ll be out here selecting the team who will represent us at the 2018 National Poetry Slam in August! (Yes, that is a real month, with sunlight and bare knees and everything!) The hardiest nine Cantabbers you know will be slamming off in three rounds for just five spots; and if you like that kind of math, pack up $5 for the cover charge and bring your best judging brains, because we’re gonna need you to throw some numbers at these poets. See you there!
Boston Poetry Slam Online