Join C. Bain, the night’s scheduled feature, for an early-bird workshop at the Cantab Lounge before the show. The one-hour generative workshop has LIMITED SPACE and begins at 5:30, with latecomers admitted no later than 6:00.
Workshop description from the artist, with more available at the poet’s website:
How do we use myths while the truth is fracturing? The glory and the terror of our time is that systems of meaning-making which used to work have stopped functioning. What do we have now in place of myths? What stories do we agree on and live our lives by? In this workshop we explore how myths bridge us from the personal into the social and spiritual. We will enjoy the trove of images mythology makes available to us, and pull those tools into our contemporary landscape. This is a generative writing workshop and all are welcome.
Cover charge is $5-$20 sliding scale, which includes admission to the evening show. Note that this is an excellent bargain for workshop with this leader, so we ask financially stable poets to consider contributing the higher end of this scale (or more) in order to defer costs for others and support the artist’s donation of time to our space.
Due to the constraints of the venue, this workshop has LIMITED SPACE. The best way to guarantee a spot in the workshop is to directly email the SlamMaster.
The venue is 18+ and a photo ID is required. For more information on the night’s open mic, slam, and feature from C. Bain, click here.
Boston Poetry Slam Online