Hope you had a happy National Coming Out Day, poets! We had a gloriously good open mic last night, full of good surprises and solid supportive humans. Our blow-the-top-off-the-room feature was Robbie Dunning of Northampton, who brought a selection of the work that over the years has made their name as a tender thinker, a self-alert humorist, and a compelling crafter of narrative. If you missed your chance to grab their chapbook or one of those extremely important bottlecap magnets everyone is talking about, you can still hit Robbie up on Twitter and get your life right.
Our open slam was a four-poet affair (this has been the lucky number for at least as many weeks) featuring a selection of poets with an intimidating amount of late-night slam experience. The final round came down to 2017 Boston Poetry Slam teammates Mckendy Fils-Aimé vs. Myles Taylor, who pulled no punches in fighting for the #1 spot while teammate Zeke was out of town! Mckendy took home the $10, leaving Myles (and you) just nine more slams to qualify for Team Selection Slams in January.
Can’t get enough slam this week? That must be because you can feel the ripples of the Individual World Poetry Slam in Spokane, Washington, all the way over on this side of the country. To follow scores for our representative to the event, Zeke Russell, plus local NorthBEAST favorites like Sara Mae, Catherine Weiss, and Jelal Huyler, check out the SCORES LINK HERE.
Next week at the Cantab: it’s our final open poetry slam in the 8×8, with a headliner from FEMS organizer Zenaida Peterson! If you still have more to learn about the Feminine Empowerment Movement Slam, come hear the powerful work of the leader of this fem-forward movement.
Boston Poetry Slam Online