For those of you who were able to get tickets to our sold out Grudge Match show on Sunday: thank you, thank you, thank you! We packed the house with an awesome crowd (comic Wes Hazard said y’all were “dope,” btw) and were so proud to put on a show for you. All the proceeds from this show will be split between the Boston Poetry Slam and the House Slam to help send both teams to the National Poetry Slam this August. NorthBEAST!!
Oh, you’re wondering who WON this Grudge Match? Okay, okay: we officially acknowledge that by a 4-3 round score, the Haley House took the big win at our first ever show. Congratulations to the show, especially founding SlamMasters Porsha Olayiwola and Janae Johnson! Janae was captured in a great stage shot by official photographer Marshall Goff:

Janae Johnson takes the mic at the 2015 Grudge Match to tell us about the MBTA. Photo by Marshall Goff.
Congratulations to the Haley House! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR, RIVAL CROSS-TOWN SLAM!!11!1!
Of course, this show could not possibly have happened without the help of many hard-working volunteers. Remember hearing about the upcoming shows that all our judges, openers, and hosts are involved in?? Here’s a quick guide to what’s coming up from these excellent folks… We are proud to recommend all the shows featuring these talented folks:
- KEN GREEN, Chicago Judge Extraordinare, is the founder of Story Club Boston, a live theater open mic with storytelling features. The next show is this Monday, April 27, at the Milky Way in Jamaica Plain!
- COLIN KILLICK, judge, community organizer, and poet, will speak at Capable Massachusetts: A Panel on Poetry and Disability at the Mass Poetry Festival in Salem on Saturday, May 2.
- WES HAZARD, brilliant comedian and stage presence, will be back at Oberon on Monday, May 4 as quizmaster for The Big Quiz Thing’s special Star-Wars themed live trivia game show. You can cheer on his other pursuits at his personal website.
- AIMEE ROSE RANGER, host and comedian, hosts a FREE comedy variety show at Zuzu in Central Square, Cambridge on first and third (and fifth!) Sundays. It’s called The Ranger Zone, and the next one will be Sunday, May 3.
- ALEX CHARALAMBIDES, who served as our de facto Bout Manager/Head Evil Judge, is actually the kind-hearted Managing Director for Mass LEAP, which presents the annual Louder Than a Bomb youth poetry slam tournament every spring in Boston. Follow them on Facebook to keep up with the fun: events start in South Boston on May 9.
Wow: what a baller troupe of staff folks. Want to give thanks for a great night? Please spread the word about these good folks making art happen all over the state.
Thanks, everybody. Looking forward to the rematch…
Boston Poetry Slam Online