Hi Cantabbers! It’s me, your pilot, back at it again to guide you through what was a sky-high Wednesday last week at the Boston Poetry Slam. As we took off, we had several old and new faces fly up to the mic. We had not one but two gorgeous love poems, with newcomer Ian Frank reading a very sweet, classic one, and Shannon Russo delivering one involving plenty of multiverse-jumping. Newcomers IT and Sonya also had great debuts on the mic. As we reached cruising altitude, there was a series of bangers from regulars Charlie R., Oliver, and Kaitie D. It’s so special to watch these poets come week after week to display their own unique styles.
This week’s ✏️Line of the Wednesday ✏️ is from Isaiah, with: “If my faith knows only death, / is it ever faith”
Last week’s feature was Ren L[i]u, who brought us a multi-sensory experience! They passed out pomelo, led us in a grounding exercise, and, of course, performed poetry. Ren has such a unique, raw talent that bleeds throughout their poetry, the kind that makes your emotions almost sneak up on you as you listen to them read. They read about the way identity can weave in and out of oneself and one’s experiences, and also, Asian bathhouses.
Quick note to wish a beautiful birthday to our staff member, host, and overall light of everyone’s life Briana Crockett! 🎉🎉🎉
On the flight schedule, I wanted to remind everyone of a very special event this Thursday, 11/2, with our very spooky slam team competing at an equally spooky Halloween slam up in New Hampshire! The following poets will be performing at Slam Free or Die. Come through and support this incredible team!!!
• Myles Taylor
• Katya Zinn
• Jennifer Martinez
• Kris Cho
• Aparna Paul
This week at the Cantab, we have our OWN unique slam, hosted by the great Zeke Russell: The (After) Dead Poet’s Slam. On the day after Halloween, slammers will perform the work of dead poets such as Emily Dickinson, Ezra Pound, Frank O’Hara, and then hear original work inspired by them. I hope we don’t run into any poet ghosts! This unique night is NOT something you want to miss.
See you then,
-Amy ✈️
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