Cassandra de Alba tells it like it is in seventeen syllables at the Dirty Haiku Slam. Photo by Marshall Goff.
Cassandra de Alba started coming to the Cantab by way of Hampshire College, traveling two hours each way for the sake of poetry. Now relocated to the Boston area, she runs the official Boston Poetry Slam tumblr and reads strange poems about animals on the open mic; her chapbook of poems about deer, habitats, was released on Horse Less Press in 2016. You can find more of her work on her website.
She has represented NorthBEAST at three national poetry slams, with Slam Free or Die in 2008 and Hampshire County in 2010 and 2011, and was the social media lead for the 2013 National Poetry Slam in Boston. If you can’t find her at the bar, she can be reached at cassandra@bostonpoetryslam.com.