The results are in! After a hard-fought slam at the Cantab Lounge last night, hosted by the intrepid and excellent Emily Eastman, with bout management by Tom Slavin, we have a winner. Four Nationals-bound teams slammed four rounds and the final rankings were as follows:
- House Slam 113.0
- Boston Poetry Slam 111.9
- Seven Hills Poetry Slam 109.0
- Mill City Slam 105.2
The competition was tight and and came down to the last two poems of the night, but House reigned victorious in their second Cantab win of the season. Want to see them take on teams in their own home? Check out their event this Friday, July 8; your Boston Poetry Slam friends will be sacrificing for the slam that night.
Next week: our streak of NYC poets continues with the long-established Thomas Fucaloro, traveling to us for the first time (and with his new chapbooks in tow). We’ll also hold our penultimate open slam in the summer 8×8 series: and heads-up, aspiring slammers, this might well be the last of the “easier” qualifiers for the 2017 team before it gets ultra-competitive in the fall. See you there!
Boston Poetry Slam Online