Thanks for an excellent 2014, Boston Poetry Slammers. We were super-pleased to welcome beloved MC Emeritus, many-time slam team member, all-star open-mic poet, and one-time near-weekly judge Brian S. Ellis back to the stage for a year-end feature this past Wednesday. Brian read a few from his latest, American Dust Revisited, but also brought us a selection of new and newer work for the feature slot. What a joy to have Brian return for the night; thanks to everyone who brought great work to the open mic to close the year.
Our last slam of the year was packed with some folks who were either showing off for the feature or really looking for those last Yankee Swap points for our Team Selection Slams… Either way, Ellyn Touchette and Meaghan Ford burned all the way through the three rounds, with Meaghan taking the top spot for the finish. Just two slams left to qualify for the team!
Next Wednesday: we are OFF for some kind of holiday or something. In fact, we won’t be back at the Cantab until January 7 for Rachel McKibbens, and even Moonlighting has been pushed out to January 8 for Bobby Crawford’s feature! However, folks who are in town for New Year’s Eve can still catch us across the river at Boston’s First Night; this year, we’re teaming up with the Haley House Slam for some all-star family friendly slam fun. Hope to see you there!
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