Cantab Recap For Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

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Hey Cantab! Whew! I’d like to start off by mentioning how grateful we are to have such a wonderful community, because SO MANY of you showed up for our show last Wednesday! Not only did we sell out before 7:30, nearly 90 people came to see the show in total! A lovely surprise, and for a cold weekday in January, it definitely warmed our hearts.

With such a packed room, the energy on the open mic did not disappoint. We had so many memorable moments, starting with an incredible Nicki Minaj-inspired poem from Sam O. (which then inspired a Nicki Minaj poem from yours truly), and a touching poem by Portia Lee about eyes and beauty standards. Naomi’s poem (with a calming reprise of “I must accept it”) was very moving, but also had an unexpected comedic output. Not 5 minutes had gone by since Naomi spoke a line expressing disdain for “old people in Brookline, Massachusetts” before Cantab veteran Priscilla went up to the mic and proclaimed “I am from Brookline Massachusetts.” Priscilla then wowed us with a short poem questioning the purpose of applause, which, naturally, awarded her a standing ovation after she finished (a rarity for the open mic). Gel finished off the open mic with a sensational, chaotic piece about several things ranging from Vikings to summer camp to queerness.

The ✏️Line of the Wednesday✏️ is from an anonymous open-micer, with “Until there was so much blood in my shoes I was convinced my heart was in my feet”

Our feature was Bri Gonzalez, all the way from Colorado, who told us tales of the Rat Man and then gifted showgoers with little plastic rats (so long as you named them). Their poetry built worlds and broke them down, weaved in and out of humor and memory and lives in and outside their mind. I’ve never had a feature transport me to be the hero of my own story while in a movie theatre, but there’s a first time for everything.

THIS WEEK! It’s your LAST CHANGE to qualify to try out for the 2025 Boston Poetry Slam Team! Standard slam rules apply: eight poets compete in three rounds with poems that are three minutes or less. No props, costumes, or musical accompaniment. Poems are scored by random members of the audience! Come compete among the best in the region this Wednesday.

SLAM STRUCTURE: 8 slammers. Slammers will compete IN ORDER OF SIGN UP! This means there will be no random draw. The first round will be bracketed, in that the first four slammers will go, and the bottom two scores of those four will be cut. Then the second four slammers will go, and then the bottom two scores of those will be cut, leaving 4 slammers for the second round. That round will go in order of highest score in the first round to lowest. The bottom two scores of that group will be cut. The last round will be two slammers, both of whom qualify to try out for the 2025 team.

See you then!

– Amy ✈️

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